Presented by Euphoria Telecom

Euphoria Telecom helps South African companies establish a global presence

 ·13 Aug 2019

Modern businesses are no longer restricted to boundaries – they are now crossing international borders and are venturing into exciting new territories – they are going global.

Technology is empowering small businesses to compete head on with larger multinational companies and as South Africa’s leading business phone company with 4,000+ customers across the county, Euphoria Telecom is leading the way in this wave of change.

Euphoria Telecom has launched a new feature that offers its clients international telephone numbers, a very useful tool that provides companies of all sizes with a telephonic presence in most of the larger countries abroad. This also allows businesses to keep their call centre operations in South Africa and thus reducing overhead costs.

Euphoria Telecom CTO Nic Laschinger says international phone numbers make it easier for foreign customers to reach a company based in South Africa using a familiar local phone number. “This feature is designed to generate increased brand awareness while simultaneously creating exciting global growth opportunities.”

“Best of all, your international number will allow you to receive calls from a foreign country with callers paying local rates when dialing in. You can also call out using the same foreign number and it will be seen as an incoming international call,” he explains.

Cloud technology is redefining businesses and is completely reshaping customer engagement models. Cloud-based phone systems can help save costs, streamline operations, improve productivity and scale any business.

“This is just one of many new services that Euphoria Telecom has introduced in order to assist customers to do better business anywhere, anytime,” he concludes.

To apply for international numbers, Euphoria customers will still need to provide proof of address in the respective foreign country.

For more information visit or email [email protected] or contact Euphoria Telecom on (087) 231-0500.

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