You will have to pay your domestic worker more from this week

The Department of Labour has increased the minimum wage payable to South African domestic workers.
Published on Monday (3 December), the new minimum wage will take immediate effect and employers will now be responsible for ensuring that they meet the new wages as prescribed by the legislation.
This minimum wage will continue until the official introduction of the National Minimum Wage Act which was signed off by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the end of November.
While no official indication has been provided as to when this switch will take place, the Act prescribes that the national minimum wage will be R20 per hour worked – with certain exceptions being applicable to farm workers, domestic workers, workers employed on an expanded public works programme.
Once the National Minimum Wage Act comes into effect, the domestic sector will then receive 75% of the new national minimum wage – or R15 per hour worked.
Sectoral Determination
Department minister Mildred Oliphant announced that in terms of Sectoral Determination 1: the minimum wages will be adjusted upwards for employees in Area A and Area B.
Area A refers to large metropolitan municipalities and built up areas and suburbs – Area B is all other municipalities. The full list can be found here.
Here are the new minimum wages:
Domestic workers who work 27 ordinary hours a week or more
Minimum | Area A | Area B |
Hourly Rate | R13.69 | R12.47 |
Weekly Rate | R616.03 | R561.27 |
Monthly Rate | R2 669.24 | R2 431.27 |
Domestic workers who work less than 27 ordinary hours a week
Minimum | Area A | Area B |
Hourly rate | R16.03 | R14.72 |
Weekly Rate | R432.78 | R397.37 |
Monthly Rate | R1 875.22 | R1 721.81 |
Sectoral Determination for Domestic Workers by BusinessTech on Scribd
Read: You may have to back-pay your domestic worker under the new minimum wage laws