Sanral CEO is today’s PW Botha: DA

 ·5 Dec 2013
DA e-tolls rally

The SA National Roads Agency Limited’s CEO Nazir Alli is the present-day PW Botha, DA Gauteng spokesman Musi Maimane said on Thursday.

“Transport links should connect and integrate us. What e-tolls will do is keep us separate and apart… Nazir Alli is the PW Botha of today,” he told a rally against e-tolling in Johannesburg.

“We are here because we are angry and we are here because we must take a stand.”

Apartheid-era state president PW Botha was renowned for his authoritarian approach to governance.

Maimane said the African National Congress government had forced e-tolls on the country.

“Today we tell this ANC government to proudly take their e-tolls back,” he said.

On Monday, a Freedom Front Plus application to stop e-tolls on Gauteng highways was struck from the roll by the High Court in Pretoria, for lack of urgency.

The e-tolling of Gauteng highways came into effect on Tuesday.

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