How much money teachers earn in South Africa in 2024

 ·2 Jul 2024

The latest teacher salary scales in South Africa show that qualified teachers receive much better pay packages than many people believe.

The Department of Basic Education publishes an annual salary adjustment report for teachers in South Africa.

This report details teacher salary notches, which range significantly based on qualification, experience, and seniority.

The lowest salary scale for educators is R154,671 per year, while the highest salary is R1.209 million.

Taking inclusive packages into consideration, this maximum can reach as high as R1.6 million

The latest data shows that South Africa’s public education system employs around 410,000 teachers in 25,000 schools.

These teachers’ salaries come from taxpayers’ money flowing to the Department of Basic Education.

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana allocated an additional R25.7 billion to the education sector in his February 2024 budget speech.

The additional money was necessary for the carry-through costs of wage increases over the medium term.

This money formed part of the R481 billion spent on learning and culture in the current financial year. R303 billion will go towards basic education.

Irene Pampallis’s research paper titled, What do teachers earn?, said teacher salaries are the largest single line item in the South African budget.

She said teacher salaries accounted for one-third of all public sector wages and 10% of total government expenditure.

“It is important to understand how much teachers earn, how their pay packages and benefits are structured, and how this differs by age and experience,” she said.

“These factors will influence how many younger teachers can be employed as older teachers retire.”

She said South Africa had a common perception that teacher salaries are low relative to comparable professions.

“This is often based on incorrect information about what constitutes a teacher’s ‘full package,’ including benefits,” she said.

A teacher’s basic salary is determined by their notch on the salary scales published in the Government Gazette.

The notch on which a teacher enters public service depends on their qualifications and years of experience.

For example, a teacher with a matric and four years of university education would enter Notch 164. This translates to a basic annual salary of R333,624 in their first year of employment.

Teachers who meet minimum performance requirements move up to a higher salary notch each year they remain in government service.

This means that teachers’ salaries increase with experience. As such, older teachers will earn more than younger teachers with the same qualifications.

When a teacher gets a promotion, they will get more money as they will be moved to a higher salary notch.

This means that department heads, deputy principals, and principals earn much more than ordinary teachers with the same qualifications.

This is not where the teacher remuneration story ends. The total pay package includes many other benefits each month.

State-employed teachers receive an employer pension contribution, equal to 13% of their basic salary, and a thirteenth cheque.

All teachers who choose to join the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) receive a medical aid subsidy.

Teachers who own or rent a property may also apply for a housing allowance, which is around R1,500 per month.

How much teachers earn in 2024

The table below provides an overview of teachers’ annual salaries in 2024 based on qualifications and experience.

Teachers who have a Relative Equivalent Qualification Value (REQV) 13 (Matric plus three years of study) would earn a starting salary of R256,395 per year.

By comparison, the minimum entry for an educator with REQV14 (Matric plus four years of study) is R333,624.

It should be noted that the table only provides the high-end salary of school principals. The salaries can be much lower for smaller schools.

The full gazette with all salary notches can be read here.

RoleMin NotchMax NotchMin SalaryMax Salary
General Classroom Teacher
Teacher REQV 10-12001106R154 671R254 037
Teacher REQV 13108268R256 395R547 305
Senior Teacher REQV 13200268R393 402R547 305
Master Teacher REQV 13232268R460 539R547 305
Teacher REQV 14-17164326R333 624R723 798
Senior Teacher REQV 14-17200326R393 402R723 798
Master Teacher REQV 14-17232326R460 539R723 798
School-Based Management
Departmental Head210392R412 551R997 836
Deputy Principal244408R487 737R1 078 725
Principal P5350432R813 675R1 209 279

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