Here are all your new FNB banking fees for 2019

 ·3 Jun 2019

FNB has published its new pricing schedules for the 2019/2020 financial year, highlighting customer costs to bank with the group over the next 12 months.

Last week, FNB, which is part of FirstRand, announced a number of price cuts on select products, as part of its bid to remain competitive in a crowded market.

In a bid to compete with new digital entrants and fee-cutting in the entry level banking segment, FNB said it will reduce the monthly fee for its Easy Account – from R5.75 to R4.95.

Cash withdrawals will also carry a standard fee of R6.00 per R1,000 (up to R2,000 per month), while sending money will carry a standard fee of R11 per transaction. Withdrawals at till points will also reduce by 60 cents, to R1.00.

For its entry level bundle, Easy Smart, FNB will reduce the monthly fee by R6 to R59.

For middle-market accounts (Gold Cheque), the monthly fee will increase to R109 per month (from R105 before), however, the Gold Fusion product has been reduced to R109, from R155 before.

The Premier account will increase to R219 per month (with the spousal fee reduced to R149 per month, from R185 previously), while the Private Client and Wealth accounts will increase to R399 and R499 per month, respectively (no increases to spousal fees).

The bigger changes to the mid- to high- level bundled accounts come through the reduction of the value of free transactions allowed per month.

On Gold accounts, where customers currently get R5,000 worth of free withdrawals before the R1.90/R100 costs kicks in, this will now be reduced to R4,000 a month.

The same applies to deposits, where bundle customers could get R5,000 free per month, this has been reduced to R3,000, after which a R1.00/R100 fee applies.

This trend applies across all accounts, from Easy to Private Clients.

The full pricing brochures for FNB’s accounts be found here:

A breakdown of select fees is below.

FNB eWallet eXtra (soon to be Easy Zero)

FNB Easy Account (PAYU) 2018/19 Fees R500 transaction in 2018/19 2019/20 Fees R500 transaction in 2019/2020 % Change
Withdrawal (Native) R10.95 (R20-R1000)
R13.95 (R1000-R3000)
R10.95 R6.00 / R1000* R6.00 -45.2%
Send Money R10.95 (R20-R1000)
R13.95 (R1000-R3000)
R10.95 R11.00 R11.00 +0.5%
EFT Payments R3.75 R3.75 R1.00 R1.00 -37.5%
Deposit (ATM) R10.95 (R20-R1000)
R13.95 (R1000-R3000)
R10.95 Free* -100%
Monthly account fee Free Free No change

* Up to R1,500 per month

FNB Easy Account

FNB Easy Account (PAYU) 2018/19 Fees R500 transaction in 2018/19 2019/20 Fees R500 transaction in 2019/2020 % Change
Withdrawal (Native) R1.90 / R100 R9.50 R6.00 / R1000 R6.00 -36.8%
Withdrawal (Other) R9.00 + R1.90 / R100 R18.50 R10.00 / R1000 R10.00 -45.9%
Withdrawal (POS) R1.60 R1.60 R1.00 R1.00 -37.5%
Deposit (ATM) R0.95 / R100 R4.75 R1.00 / R100 R5.00 +5.2%
Monthly account fee R5.75 R4.95 -13.9%

FNB Gold

FNB Gold Cheque Account 2018/19 Fees R500 transaction in 2018/19 2019/20 Fees R500 transaction in 2019/20 % Change
Withdrawal (Native) R1.90 / R100 R9.50 R1.90 / R100 R9.50 No change
Withdrawal (Other) R9.00 + R1.90 / R100 R18.50 R9.50 + R1.90 / R100 R19.00 +2.7%
Withdrawal (POS) R1.60 R1.60 R1.60 R1.60 No change
Deposit (ATM) R0.95 / R100 R4.75 R1.00 / R100 R5.00 +5.2%
Debit order (internal) Free Free No change
Debit order (external) Free Free No change
Account fee R105.00 R109.00 +3.8%

Read: Big changes to FNB fees

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