Presented by IG Markets

The inaugural IG Trading Summit will take place in March

 ·2 Mar 2023

Get insights about trading and financial markets from industry experts

Whether you’re a seasoned trader looking to brush up on what’s new in the industry, or you’re trading-curious and are after some guidance on financial markets, the first IG Trading Summit presented by IG Markets is for you.

Taking place at Langhams Executive Conferencing in Johannesburg on 11 March 2023, the IG Trading Summit will feature a curated selection of talks, panel discussions and masterclasses from various industry experts.

Louise Bedford, Ross Larter, Kristia Van Heerden and Dr Gizelle Willows are the guest speakers and will be tackling topics such as what it takes to succeed in trading and behavioural finance. The event is bound to broaden the horizons of anyone wanting to know more about trading and financial markets.

Along with an insightful panel discussion, the IG Trading Summit will also play host to masterclasses from industry experts Ross Larter and Shaun Murison. Larter will be unpacking and teaching his new ALSI trading (SA40) system, while Murison will take a practical look at the ALSI trading system on the IG Platform.

This insightful summit, free to attend, is presented by IG Markets, a world-leading online trading provider that gives traders like you access to opportunities across thousands of financial markets through their intuitive platforms and apps. Established in 1974, IG Markets has over 300,000 clients worldwide across more than17,000 markets.

“Become a consistently profitable trader? It can be done; we’re looking forward to hosting this event, the inaugural Trading Summit. Four speakers will share what it takes to become a consistently successful trader, the struggles they’ve gone through, the lessons they’ve learnt, and the success they’ve achieved.”

“Plus, there’s a masterclass presented by Ross Larter, where he’ll be sharing new insights and strategies based on his recently released second book.” – Dr Robert J. Van Eyden – CEO IG Markets SA.

Registration for the IG Trading Summit is now open.

The details:

  • Date: 11 March 2023
  • Time: 09.00am – 3.30pm (registration starts from 8.30am)
  • Venue: Langhams Executive Conferencing, 1 Tamchele Ave, Beverley, Johannesburg, 2191
  • RSVP: 7 March 2023

Click here to register. 

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