South Africa vs the richest countries in the world in 2016

 ·1 Apr 2016
South Africa Rand Mandela

Global Finance has ranked the world’s 10 richest countries by GDP per capita – taking purchasing power parity into account.

The group’s data is based on estimates of 2015 GDP, spread across a country’s populace, which is seen as the fairest way to run a nation-against-nation comparison.

South Africa is ranked 87th on list, with an estimated GDP per capita of $13,078 (R) in PPP terms.

This is above countries such as Egypt and Tunisia – but is below Mauritius, making it only the second-highest on the African continent. The continent’s GDP leader, Nigeria, only has a GDP per capita of $6,467 – 124th in the ranking.

Leading by some margin is Qatar, which has an estimated GDP per capita of over $146,000.

According to Global Finance, Qatar has a rapidly-growing economy that received a boost from infrastructure projects around the 2022 FIFA World Cup, as well as being shielded by lower oil prices thanks to gas exports.

The closest nation to creep up on Qatar is Luxembourg, which, thanks to a strong financial services sector and low debt, has an estimated GDP per capita of $94,167 (PPP).

Here are the richest – and poorest – countries in the world.

# Country GDP per capita (USD, PPP)
1 Qatar 146 011
2 Luxembourg 94 167
3 Singapore 84 821
4 Brunei Darussalam 80 335
5 Kuwait 71 600
6 Norway 67 619
7 United Arab Emirates 67 201
8 Hong Kong 57 676
9 United States 56 815
10 Switzerland 57 045
87 South Africa 13 078
176 Madagascar 1 477
177 Guinea 1 388
178 Eritrea 1 210
179 Mozambique 1 208
180 Niger 1 069
181 Burundi 951
182 Liberia 934
183 Malawi 819
184 Democratic Republic of Congo 753
185 Central African Republic 639

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