Euphoria Telecom continues its support of Reach For Recovery with new BRAvo mastectomy bra campaign

Euphoria Telecom is taking its support of local cancer charity Reach For Recovery (RFR) a step further through helping to conceive and activate RFR’s BRAvo mastectomy bra fundraising drive.
Euphoria helped RFR raise R250,000 last October and November through two Heart Gallery activations Euphoria conceived and hosted at the KAMERS events in Stellenbosch and Sandton.
The concept and design for the He(art Gallery) was co-created by Euphoria and RFR and the new BRAvo collection drive is a continuation of that collaboration.
“We are thrilled to be able to partner RFR with this innovative and essential campaign,” says Euphoria Telecom national marketing manager Lauren Pybus.
Euphoria will be holding a fundraising drive internally during Valentine’s week, as well as providing felt hearts for RFR to give out as part of its BRAvo campaign collection drive on Saturday 18 February from 10am to 2pm at the giant sunglasses on the Seapoint promenade.
RFR’s Cape Peninsula branch launched its innovative pilot mastectomy bra project in late 2022.
The project provides state patients with attractive and durable custom-designed and subsidised post-mastectomy bras, co-created with local lingerie brand, Thursdays.
RFR offers the bras to state patients with no medical aid at a subsidised rate of R200.
The organisation’s hope is to have these bras covered by local medical aids, so that women of means may eventually ‘gift’ state patients with affordable bras in a forthcoming 1:1 mastectomy bra campaign.
“Having a mastectomy is a shocking and traumatic experience for breast cancer warriors and these beautiful bras are designed to make women look and feel their best during their treatment journey and beyond,” Pybus continues.
“Raising funds for these bras – so that they can be given to those who can’t afford them – is a mission that everyone at Euphoria is committed to supporting,” she states.
To make an appointment for a mastectomy bra fitting, patients in state care can contact Mercia Abrahams on 082 921 5753. All fittings take place at the RFR office at 39 Strubens Road, Mowbray.
Direct donations to the BRAvo fundraising campaign can be made to:
Standard Bank
Current / Cheque account
075 220636
Branch Code 024 909
REF: MastBra