How much cashiers, security guards, and other workers get paid in South Africa

 ·7 Feb 2024

South Africa will have a new minimum wage next month, but that does not mean that there is one figure that will apply to all sectors and jobs.

Last week, the Department of Employment and Labour announced that the minimum wage will be increased by 8.5% from R25.42 per hour to R27.58.

The minimum wage for domestic workers and farm workers was also raised to R27.58.

Workers employed in the expanded public sector programme can expect a minimum wage of R15.16 per hour.

Legal firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr said that the National Minimum Wage Act of 2018 (Act) was enacted to advance economic development and justice by improving the wages of South Africa’s lowest-paid workers.

Establishing a national minimum wage was also designed to protect workers from unreasonably low wages.

However, the minimum wage is not necessarily consistent, with certain factors, such as sector, qualifications, location and number of hours worked, influencing the minimum amount employees are legally entitled to.

The minimum wage is also trumped by sectoral determinations negotiated by various sectors of the economy – where workers get a higher guaranteed minimum.

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr compiled a detailed list of the minimum amount that contract cleaners, retail workers, security guards and more are owed for their work.

Wholesale and Retail Sector

The following wages in the wholesale and retail sector only apply to the following areas:

Source: Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

The various wages that employees in the sector can earn are found below:

 Source: Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
Source: Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Contract Cleaning Sector

Like the retail and wholesale sectors, the minimum wage in the contract cleaning sector varies according to area.

Those working as contract cleaners in the nation’s biggest metros should thus expect a slightly larger hourly wage:

Source: Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Workers who have learnership agreements (section 17 of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998)

For those in a work-based learning programme that leads to a nationally recognised qualification, the minimum wage depends on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level:

Source: Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
Source: Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Read: 28 jobs that have some of the highest starting salaries in South Africa – from R21,000 a month

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