Sasol’s insane bursary is now open to candidates – here’s what it includes

 ·6 Mar 2019

South African chemical and energy company Sasol says that applications for its corporate bursary programme are now open for the 2020 academic year.

High-performing mathematics and science learners currently in Grade 12 are invited to apply for the all-inclusive bursary to study engineering, science and accounting degrees at approved public universities and universities of technology.

Sasol’s bursary programme—which has run for more than three decades—covers bursars’ tuition fees, accommodation, meals, textbooks and pocket money.

Bursars receive allowances for study tools such as laptops and calculators.

Sasol bursars also have the opportunity to do paid vacation work and to be part of the Graduate Development Programme when they complete their studies, the group said.

Sasol is looking for learners who want to study towards a BEng or BSc Eng in various engineering disciplines, BSc in Chemistry and Accounting (CA route) or learners interested in studying Instrumentation, Mining Survey and Mechanical or Electrical Engineering at a university of technology.

Applicants need to obtain 70% for Maths, 70% for Science and 60% for English to be considered.

“At Sasol, we help our bursars harness their potential, by offering them not only financing for their tertiary education but also the opportunity to start and succeed in their careers,” said Monica Luwes, manager of the Graduate Centre at Sasol.

“This is our investment in building a high-performing workforce and in fostering sustainable socio-economic development to the benefit of the country as a whole.”

During the 2018 academic year, undergraduate, postgraduate and University of Technology students were enrolled in the Sasol bursary programme.

What does a bursary include?

  • 100% of the prescribed university tuition fees, registration fees and exam fees.
  • An amount equal to the average rate for accommodation in a single room at a university residence at the university at which the Sasol bursar is studying. This rate is determined by Sasol in conjunction with the university.
  • An amount for meals based on three meals per day, as determined by the university.
  • An amount of approximately R12,000 per annum, towards book and pocket money
  • Postgraduate students receive a monthly allowance around R10,000 for the duration of their studies (24 months Masters Degree and 36 months PhD degree)

What can I study?

The Sasol Bursary Programme offers bursaries on the basis of a service-binding (work back obligation after graduation) contract. Applications may be submitted for one of the following fields of study:

BEng or BSc Engineering

  • Chemical
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Civil
  • Industrial
  • Electronic
  • Mining


  • Chemistry (Masters compulsory)
  • Geology (Honours compulsory)
  • Metallurgy (Honours compulsory)


  • Accounting, CA Stream (CTA, PGDA)

Postgraduate studies

  • Masters and PhD bursaries in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

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