Corruption has no place in government: Zuma

Corruption within the government will be tackled with vigour and determination, President Jacob Zuma promised on Thursday.
Addressing the National Council of Provinces in Parliament, the president said he agreed with the Auditor-General that there should be consequences for bad management.
He said ministers running the departments had been spoken to in this regard. “They must ensure that officials under their management fulfill all prescripts when utilising public funds.”
Zuma said the problem was “sometimes not the stealing of money, but the failure by government officials to follow procedures”.
He said uprooting corruption was a core objective of the government’s Back to Basics programme, citing the example of 222 officials who had been dismissed for fraud and corruption from October 2014 to June 2015.
“Going forward, anti-corruption measures will include the monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations of all forensic investigations into municipalities,” Zuma said.
A campaign with organised business would be launched to counter private sector involvement in corruption in municipalities, Zuma said.
He believed the proposed changes to the number of municipalities in the country would lead to better governance and stronger functioning municipalities.
There were also word of praise for the Independent Electoral Commission, and Zuma said he did not foresee any hassles in organising the upcoming 2016 local government elections.
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