Smart ID card BEE tender battle
The City Press reported today (4 August 2013) that losing competitor in the ID smart card bid, Batho Phahameng, has complained to the competition commission after competitor Altech Card Services won the government tender.
Batho Phahameng’s CEO, Grant Son, complained to the Auditor-General that his company was not selected, despite having the same amount of BEE points as Altech’s division.
“We are curious as to how Altech scored eight points for broad-based black economic empowerment, the same as a 100% black managed, operated and black-supported business,” said Son.
Both Batho Phahameng and Altech scored 98 in the bid adjudication.
Government Printing Works (GPW) responded, saying that the scores were based on the BEE certificate of both companies, and both firms showed the same level of empowerment.
Son also contests the fact that Batho Phahameng “failed to meet mandatory requirements related to technical aspects of the equipment” and “failed to adhere to terms and conditions relating to pricing.”
The competition commission is investigating the merits of Batho Phahameng’s complaints.
The bid formed part of the drive from the Department of Home Affairs to replace all green bar-coded ID books with new high-tech cards.
More on smart ID cards
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