Presented by Bidvest Bank

The Fleet Industry has spoken and we have listened!

 ·30 May 2022

The future of fleet management in South Africa is supporting the need to reduce future fleet costs through direct cost savings or increased efficiencies and utilization gains.

This is not simply restricted to fleet management but will be achieved in conjunction with technology advancements in service delivery and supply chain management activities.

With the worldwide pandemic and resultant industry challenges, our fundamental strategy had to be “Re-Imagined”.

At Bidvest, it’s “Business Unusual”.

We’ve redefined our values for ourselves, underpinned by leaders that enable partnership!

We are proud to announce the appointment of Warren Peters as Executive Head of Bidvest Bank Fleet and Asset Finance and Management.

Warren, an accomplished Executive with over 22 years experience in Financial Services and Fleet Management, exhibits extensive experience in Business Operations, Finance and Business Development with a proven track record in executing business strategy and tactical implementation delivering impressive results.

Warren Peters: Driving Integrated Fleet Management and Mobility Solutions

At Bidvest Bank, our Fleet Management approach focuses on a partnership philosophy and information exchange, to create a brand that our customers can trust.

Aligned to the above and supported by our long-standing contracts, we understand the challenges and opportunities associated with Integrated Fleet Management and Mobility Solutions and have developed products, services and an operating model focused on optimizing operational efficiencies, reducing risk and managing cost.

We must differentiate ourselves from our competitors in the way we service and look after our customers.

For us, it’s all about getting things done in a unique manner that is founded upon our culture and values.

We exist to serve and retain our customers by constantly looking for new and smarter ways to improve their fleets with the core focus around maximizing every kilometer.

The formation of our Client Coverage Model marks a departure from the current status quo of Product-Led to Client-Centered philosophy that is agile and responsive, resulting in the emergence of our “One and Done” mindset of excellence.

By co-creating a cohesive framework to deliver distinctive relationship-based client experiences, transitioning to a ‘New Way of Working’ and digitizing the demand, Bidvest Bank embraces emerging Fleet Strategic Alliances which allows us to leverage off leasing expertise to diversify into other asset classes.

We understand the cost challenges associated with the provision of fleet management services and we ensure that our solutions and pricing reflect a combination of measurable value and cost considerations, whilst respecting the required service delivery standards and infrastructure required by our customers.

Bidvest Bank is geared toward a full mobility service offering that not only sources and manages complex fleets but provides the flexibility and interchangeability that perfectly matches your unique business needs.

Our industry first tyre pooling plan and clearly defined, split variable and fixed fleet cost invoicing are a few ways we make sure our customers are truly paying for what they use.

Our fully bespoke technology and reporting platforms have helped increase fleet efficiency and improve overall operations.

We realise that businesses that start future-proofing their fleets now will be able to integrate new technologies faster than their rivals.

Ultimately, the sector will emerge stronger, more efficient and more agile. But as with any process of evolution, there will be winners and losers.

The key to being among the winners, is to start preparing now. Owning the platform is the key to creating value for your business, and this is where we are making our investment.

Our world is changing, and we need to be able to adapt quickly.

If our clients think entrepreneurial, we want them to think Bidvest Bank.

Partner with us on [email protected]

Fleet Finance and Management

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Bidvest Bank Limited (Reg No 2000/006478/06) is an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCRCP17.

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