How to stay safe on South Africa’s roads during the festive season

 ·1 Dec 2024

MasterDrive warns South Africans to stay alert on the road as the festive season approaches.

Following a long and challenging 2024, the patience of drivers are shorter and decisions may not be as well thought-out as they should be.

This could result in needless mistakes, frustration and additional challenges for other weary drivers.

The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, said that drivers need to avoid letting mental fatigue affect their driving in the lead-up to festive season closures.

“The consequences of letting impatience and frustration blur decision-making will only add further difficulty to the end of your year,” said Herbert.

“It may also result in starting your break with additional stressors if you are in a collision or affected by aggressive driving – provided there are not more serious injuries or even death.”

“If you are feeling mentally fatigued, make a concerted effort to avoid falling victim to this to make it safely through the last few weeks of the working year.”

Stay calm

Drivers are more likely to make a mistake as the year nears its end.

“Conversely, you are also likely to encounter even more drivers that purposefully drive with little thought for other road users. Irrespective of the cause, it is essential to not let this affect your own decisions on the road.”

“Every time a driver cuts you off, breaks a law or simply makes a mistake, take a breath before reacting. Rather focus on avoiding their actions without endangering yourself or other drivers. Additionally, select music or podcasts before leaving to set you in the right frame of mind throughout a trip.”

Avoid risks

To avoid delays, many may also abandon defensive driving techniques.

“No matter how short your patience is, defensive driving is the key to avoiding collisions.

“Defensive driving is also what will help you remain calm by directing your attention to the obstacles other drivers create with their risky actions. It will also ensure you avoid becoming the driver that causes another to become frustrated or aggressive.”

The festive season will also lead to more social gatherings and the drinking of alcohol.

“Do not let the anticipation of the coming holiday period lower your inhibitions enough to drink and drive. Before leaving for an event, organise a safe way to get home and avoid the temptation that may arise after a few drinks.”

Take a break

One should avoid letting their mental fatigue take a back seat.

“Avoid booking your end-of-year holiday directly after you finish work for the year. Take some time to relax and start your holiday travels refreshed.”

Those who won’t enjoy an end-of-year break can consider options that will not mix mental fatigue and driving.

“Use ride-share or public transport, keep your driving to a minimum, start or end trips earlier or later to avoid congestion, set virtual meetings, carpool or choose from many other options. What will work best, depends on your unique work situation,” said Herbert.

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