A new era for Vox Telecom

Vox Telecom will concentrate its energy on developing a fully-fledged telco following its delisting from AltX tomorrow, says CEO Douglas Reed.
“Our plans for the next couple of years will need dedication and focused energy,” says Reed.
“The delisting will enable us to concentrate on nothing but developing and delivering world-class IP services to consumers and businesses. We’ve already invested substantially this year in upgrading our platforms to enhance our ability to deliver tailor-made first world solutions.”
Reed adds that although the delisting is the right move for Vox in the current economic climate, he does not regret the original decision to list.
“If I had to do it over again I’d still decide on the listing,” he says. “AltX definitely offers unique opportunities and I have no doubt it will be a successful niche in the future.”
Reed says Vox will continue to innovate and lead the market as it has done in the past. “We’ve been lucky enough to have found one major product each year that has been a real winner and driven growth for the next year,” he says.
“With the huge drive towards cloud computing, it looks as if a major product for next year will be PathView Cloud. PathView Cloud provides an instant-value network performance management service. This is an absolutely essential component for any cloud service.”
Vox is also set to launch its first satellite service next year. YahClick, in partnership with Abu Dhabi-based Yahsat, will be launched as a Ka-band broadband satellite system and will incorporate technology from renowned Hughes Network Systems.
“This is the first time a South African company can offer a Ka-band product, which offers much greater bandwidth at much lower costs than other technology platforms,” says Reed. “We expect YahClick to be a popular solution where there is no copper available for ADSL, and as a backup technology.”
Reed says another segment that Vox will attack next year is the mobile sector – with both voice and data offerings. Smartphones and tablets are a massive growth area and Vox will provide prepaid solutions across the market bands.
“There won’t be much change following the delisting. We will still be a public company, our high reporting standards will be maintained and even the shareholding will remain familiar as 75% of the issued shares have been converted to the new holding company: BidCo,” adds Reed.
“We have basically all the same controlling shareholders, with the addition of Investec,” says Reed. “They’re an extremely entrepreneurial bank and we think it’s a great fit.”
“It really is an exciting time for Vox Telecom. Gus MacRobert, former Internet Solutions CEO, joins us as co-CEO, we’ve been investing in our network and our platforms, developing a range of fantastic products, and we’re poised to take the business to the next level. I am really looking forward to 2012.”