How big is the PlayStation 4 in SA?
The install base of the PlayStation 4 has just gone over 40,000, and there are over 300,000 PlayStation 3 consoles in South Africa.
That’s the word from Mario Dos Santos, CEO of Ster-Kinekor Entertainment.
“It’s a little difficult to gauge [the PS3 install base] because we don’t know how many guys have migrated to the next gen,” Dos Santos said.
The uptake of the PS4 compared to the PS3 in terms of life cycle stage is 40% higher, Dos Santos said, with Ster-Kinekor expecting to sell another 70,000 to 100,000 PlayStation 4 consoles in the next year.
“In truth at launch it was challenging because we didn’t have supply, so we’ll probably get a fair measure once we’ve been through this festive [season],” Dos Santos said.
Once the new figures are in, he said they expect sales of the PS4 to be 50% up on the PS3 on a like-for-like life cycle basis.
Asked whether the faster uptake of the PS4 was indicative of an increase in size of South Africa’s gaming market, Dos Santos said that he doesn’t believe so.
“In terms of the consumer base itself, I’m not sure that that’s growing [at a fast rate],” Dos Santos said.
He added that he thinks the increase in uptake of the PS4 compared to the PS3 is purely a function of the console.
This article was first published on MyGaming.
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