New call termination rates coming

The Independent Communications Authority Of South Africa (Icasa) will release the Draft Call Termination Regulations on Friday, 4 October 2013.
These draft regulations will outline Icasa’s position on revised termination rates and potential levels of asymmetry being made available to smaller players.
Icasa said that these regulations are an outcome of the review of the 2010 Call Termination Regulations, and form part of the ‘Cost To Communicate Programme’ which is aimed at reducing the high cost of communication in South Africa.
Icasa said that it recognises the importance of providing surety to all stakeholders on the future of termination rates in South Africa.
A new glide path, which will see further reductions in the termination rate of mobile calls, is likely.
Icasa has previously issued its views that the cost of termination on a mobile network may be as low as R0.15.
Communications minister Yunus Carrim added his voice to the drive to lower the cost of voice and data services, saying that the problem is with the mobile operators.
Speaking this week during a breakfast event hosted by The New Age, Carrim said that a new mobile call termination rate glide path will be introduced. This follows the conclusion of the previous glide path in March 2013.
This article first appeared on MyBroadband
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