Business Talk – MVN-X CEO Valde Ferradaz on why South African businesses should launch their own MVNOs

 ·15 Mar 2024

In this Business Talk with Michael Avery interview, MVN-X CEO Valde Ferradaz discusses the advantages of launching a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO).

Ferradaz boasts over 26 years of leadership experience in mature and emerging markets. His expertise extends across various sectors within the mobile telecoms industry, including Fixed LTE, Mobile, Media, and Broadband.

With a specialisation in the highly-competitive MVNO space, Ferradaz has helped MVN-X to become a market leader in this sector by delivering outstanding financial results to its clients.

This has helped MVN-X to expand and improve the country’s digital economy, driving new levels of innovation among local businesses.

The interview

Ferradaz begins this interview by explaining what an MVNO is and how an organisation that doesn’t operate in the telecommunications sector can benefit from running one.

He then details how MVN-X enables businesses to launch their own MVNO, removing any challenges and providing guidance throughout the process.

Ferradaz goes on to explain why consumers choose an MVNO for their mobile connectivity needs over a traditional mobile operator, and concludes the interview by explaining how companies can benefit from this.

Watch the interview with Valde Ferradaz below.

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