This company is giving employees battery backups to help them work from home during load shedding

 ·1 Jul 2022

The debate around remote work for forward-thinking tech companies is over and the winner is clear, says Sandra Crous, managing director of HR company PaySpace.

Crous said that remote work is making staff happier and more productive however it is not without its challenges – most recently Eskom’s move to stage 6 load shedding. Despite this Crous, said PaySpace has had a relatively smooth transition to remote working due to several factors, one being that they facilitate people working from home.

“If you want them to be 100% productive, you cannot expect them to take care of load shedding, for example. We’ve given all our staff a battery backup so that they can carry on, regardless of load shedding.”

“We are keeping office space for colleagues who need or prefer this option and will always offer support to all colleagues who experience challenges while working remotely.”

Crous added that remote work issues can be combatted through a company culture that recognises the work of each employee, especially when working offsite. This is what has assisted the company in retaining top talent, she said.

She added that PaySpace has a high-performance culture based on each employee’s results, not the number of hours spent in the office. The company offers incentives such as limitless leave, where employees are encouraged to take time off and rest and be held accountable to ensure a stand-in for them. Such incentives have opened opportunities for career growth for employees, she said.

As there is often a disconnect between exco members and feet on the ground regarding remote work, PaySpace said they still encourage face-to-face induction.

“In physical meetings, irrespective of size, cameras are on as it helps staff stay connected,” said Crous. “This is non-negotiable.”

Benefits of remote work

The benefits of remote working far outweigh any perceived negatives, said Crous.

“For starters, there is no stress of commuting or time wasted sitting in traffic every day, and employees feel more in control when they’re allowed to work remotely. For us, it’s a win-win.”

Crous said the most compelling benefit is the fact that PaySpace is attracting far more talent because of its remote working policy.

“The talent market is incredibly tight for many key roles these days, particularly when it comes to technology. The talent that we are looking for is scarce and expensive. Remote working is a huge perk, and helps attract top talent, as it can be sourced from anywhere, and is not limited by proximity to the office.”

At PaySpace understands that maintaining healthy company culture is an ongoing process, requiring commitment from all colleagues, said Crous.

“This is why we will continue to trial and research and, importantly, listen to and include feedback from colleagues to cultivate a remote workplace culture that engages, rewards, and inspires.”

We want to do what is best for colleagues and our business, and people are simply happier and more productive when working from home, said Crous.

“Remote working is the new way. It makes zero sense to force people to go back to work. Businesses who adapt to this are the ones who will survive.”

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