11 new subjects planned for colleges and universities in South Africa

The Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT SETA) has developed 11 new qualifications aimed at addressing the shortage of skilled labour in South Africa’s IT sector.
The qualifications have been gazetted by the Quality Council for Trades & Occupations (QCTO) and are now open for public comment, said Matome Madibana MICT SETA’s acting chief executive.
“As the MICT SETA we are excited about our partnership with the Higher Learning Institutions in launching and spearheading the provision of formal training for 4IR in South Africa,” he said.
“We are hopeful that with these 11 qualifications we are going to bridge the current shortage of skilled labour within the ICT and digital industries and, ultimately, increase the employment rate and entrepreneurship in South Africa.”
The newly developed qualifications include:
- Artificial Intelligence;
- Cloud Computing;
- Cyber Security;
- Data Science;
- Design Thinking Lead;
- Design Thinking Practitioner;
- Internet of Things;
- Robotic Processing Automation;
- Quality Engineering Automation;
- Systems Development;
- e-Waste.
Madibana said that these qualifications will equip young professionals and the current workforce to deal with the disruptive effects of new technologies, enabling them to innovate and create new products and services across industries.
The qualifications were developed in collaboration with a community of experts such as universities, TVET colleges, and government departments, he said.
The qualifications are still open for public comment on the MICT SETA website www.mict.org.za. Comments should be submitted to [email protected] by Monday (20 September).
Madibana said that following the public comment process, the qualifications will be submitted to the South African Qualifications Association (SAQA) for further validation, approval and registration to the public domain.
“We strongly encourage participation from the public on these exciting qualifications so we can ensure all viewpoints and feedback is taken into account as we finalise the process that will have a high impact on the South African labour force and its readiness to take advantage of 4IR.”